
Is that empty place ever full?

People over eat,
Over eating to fill a hunger,
Hunger to rise above,
Rise above to better health,
Better health to live,
Live to enjoy life,
Enjoy life to feel good,
Feel good by over eating.



Friday night is our date night.
Relax and allow me to hold you.
I provide heat as you over take me.
Everything is better with you here.
Drown me with your bliss.


Getting Published!!

Hello Everyone!!

I wanted to let you know that I submitted a poem into a contest that would publish select writings for a compilation poetry book by many writers. I received a notice that my poem was selected to be one of the many for their book!! I have attached the original for you if you wish to read it, but only half will be published, as there is a maximum of words that can be used for each poem. The book is set to be released in the Fall of 2006. The title of the book is “Immortal Verses”. I did a search for this title that shows a history of this publication dating back to the 50's so there is a history here and I am glad to be a part of it. Thank you for all of your support over the years my friends.

Love and miss ya,
Your friend always,
Kim Measells
(aka SSB)

P.S. I had to shorten the poem for the contest so the part below that is in italics is what will be in the book.

With Drink In Hand

With drink in hand, I enter the room. No one looks up except for you. Our eyes meet for a brief moment, and your attention is drawn back to the conversation with the group of which you are seated. My eyes fall to the steps before me as I make my way through the crowded room. Greeting unknown people with the meeting of eyes and a nod of my head. "Good evening." I reply as I slowly pass each person by.

With drink in hand, I arrive at the buffet and view the lovely array. Then realize that I feel no hunger for food. What I crave is the sustenance from another. I swirl my drink to give it a mix and as I turn I see you again. Our eyes seemed to lock with a knowing of souls. I cannot help but wonder what thoughts your mind holds. I feel a bit frozen as again an interruption pulls our eyes to part again.

With drink in hand, a person I should know begins to speak to me. Striking up meaningless conversation that others seem to enjoy. I, however, am overwhelmingly bored. My thoughts turn toward you. The one whose eyes I wish to swim into. The one who sees through this skin that holds my heart within. The only one who seemed interested that I was coming in.

With drink in hand, I escape the low mutter. The balcony holds my piece away from the others. Allowing my thoughts to wonder further into you. I ask myself if you felt the feeling I am feeling too? Was it I who attracted your attention, or just a reaction to the movement as I entered. Did you hold me in your stare because I could not break away? Or was there something there inside of you beckoning?

With drink in hand, my thoughts are silenced as a star shoots by in the grand sky before me. I am slightly startled by a soft gasp of aw that came from behind me. You came from behind and stood beside me. "Beautiful" you said. "Oh yes, very beautiful" I replied without even looking at the sky. You softly tuned your head to the side and smiled. "Would you like another drink?" you ask. "Oh yes", I reply, and sat the drink in my hand aside.

SSB 10/27/05

Here are some Kudos’ sent to me via email from friends:

“OMG that is so awesome....I am so happy for you SSB...Finally someone noticed your way with words...I mean everything you have written I absolutely think is great...now if they would just publish cum hither...lolgood job”


“Whoo Hoo Chica Doo!!!! Congrats! Can't wait to see your name in print!!! I know you work really hard on your writing and I am so proud and happy for you!
Love, me”

Deana B

“AWESOME! Remind me when the book comes out so I can get it. I wonder which part they are going to cut, though.”


“CONGRATULATIONS!!! on being published
I loved the poem!”



Pat G