
A New Beginning

Thursday February 2, 2006

A Very Special THANK YOU to my friend Corrine!!!
Not only did she help me clean, pack, load the truck, run to Ike’s (a store only in Memphis) for a pad lock that would fit the truck latch, run to McD’s to get me some lunch as I seemed to be loosing my mind, and control of my emotions, listened to me bitch about the movers who took 2 hours to move 10 items, helped me turn that big ass truck around for easy departure the next morning. All of this in the rain non-the less!!! She also drove me to a friends to watch Survivor, drink beer, eat pizza, and make one last wonderful memory of us all hangin’ out together in Memphis. You were there for me when I needed help and someone to be stable for me. Thank you for your friendship and for being my pillar of strength. Thank you Cobean.

Friday February 3, 2006

I woke up at about 3 am with a wide range of emotions teetering back and forth from sad to excitement and back again. I put the puppies out side to potty, and then brought them in for a bite of breakfast. I began loading the remaining items onto the truck that we needed for the night. The puppies and I were the last to be loaded. They both had no problems climbing into that big ass truck. They looked excited to be “going” anywhere. They were so cute as they kept jockeying for position on the long seat of the truck. They could not decide who wanted the window seat! Hahahah! I double-checked all the connections, straps, and locks outside and finally took my place in the drivers seat. The 22 foot, three steps to get into the cab, diesel, Penske rental truck looked so much smaller in the picture on the net, and so did the price. This was the cheapest truck that would allow a tow rig for my car. Hell, if I knew how much room there was in the truck I could have just put the car inside too! I love compact cars!!

I am sure that I woke up everyone in a two-block radius as I turned the key and awoke the beast under the hood of the truck at 5 am. I had to let it idle for a bit to warm up and I took my time making sure I had everything I needed with in arms reach. I noticed movement out side the truck which scared the living shit outta me, and the dogs!!! It was my friend and neighbor Lisa who came out to say goodbyes and good luck to the puppies and me. I was surprised, and touched that she came out in the cold, and so early in the morning, to wish us the best. The puppies soon settled in and were both sitting up on the seat with me. Off we go.

I was determined to get as far as I could without stopping as fast as I could without getting a speeding ticket. Once we hit the interstate I kicked on the cruse control. Cassy and Shay both laid down on the seat and fell fast asleep. Cassy laid her head in my lap most of the time. There would be a bump here and there that would wake them. Every half hour our so they would swap spots and Shay would lay her head in my lap for a while. This was so sweet and really made me feel at ease. I love my puppies.

Our first pit stop was in Kingston Springs, TN. My bladder was full and the truck was at a quarter tank. Everyone noticed the chick in the big ass truck with the two dogs. I had never used the diesel lane for truckers before, but the trucker at the next pump was happy to help. I emptied my bladder, filled the truck, got some donuts, and got back on the road.

Our next stop was on the Blue Grass Parkway or the BG as the locals call it. A passenger in another truck alerted me to some problem in the back of my truck so I took the BG as I knew it was not a busy road and would be a good place to let the puppies out to potty too. I pulled over and, of course, the puppies went nuts to get out. They made it out just fine and proceeded to pull me down the side of the road. Cassy pulled, I slipped on a slick spot in the grass and fell flat on my ass!!! LOL!!! A passing trucker must have seen it because he tooted his horn as he passed by us and I am sure he/she laughed at that sight of my fall for a while. I had to laugh at my self too. Both puppies did their business quickly and I helped boost them back up into the truck. I checked the outside of the truck and the problem was that one of the ramps on the tow had bounced out a bit. No big deal, I slid it back into place and made sure it was locked in, and would not bounce out again.

We arrived in Louisville, KY. at about 2 pm that afternoon. I had printed directions to one particular house that I found on the net that was for rent, in my price range, allowed two dogs, and I had talked to the landlord before the trip. The landlord said for me to call him once I arrived in town so I could look at the place before I decided to rent it from him. I just knew this would be the place that I called home, in Kentucky. I did not have time to deal with real estate agents or leasing companies because I had to return the truck the next day. I just had a feeling, and I prayed to GOD the entire drive. I finally found the house after maneuvering that big ass truck through the U of L Campus, one-way streets, and tight turns. I still cannot believe I did not hit anything!

Praise GOD I found a safe place to park the truck with in eyeshot of the house for rent. I called my contact, Jim, to see when he could come by and let me see the inside of the house he had for rent. He said he would be right over. Turns out, he own his own business, thus the freedom to leave work when needed. While I was waiting for Jim to arrive, a car with two women pulls up in front of the house. They rolled down the window and asked me where some street was in that neighborhood. I almost fell out laughing. I smiled and let them know that I had just arrived in the city about half an hour ago, but thought I recalled passing the street on my way in. They laughed and I told them how I thought they could arrive on the street they were looking for. There were allot of people out, and about. It was a beautiful, sunny day. Everyone was very friendly and asked if I was going to be moving in. I could only reply with “I hope so.” The puppies were so good and protected the truck as if it was their own. They took turns in the drivers seat and slobbering all over the windows.

Jim soon arrived and introduced me to his wife Vicky. They seemed very nice and kind of in aw of my choice to move with out a solid place to stay. They showed me the house, the back yard, and the basement. Jim showed me all the places where copper plumbing used to be before thieves broke in and literally ripped all of it out so they could recycle it for cash. This was the main reason that Jim did not want to rent me the house. There was no running water, and anything poured down a drain ended up on the basement floor. I explained my situation to Jim and Vicky. I also explained that I needed a place to stay, and they needed security to protect the house. At first Jim said it would be a week before the house would be ready to rent. Then we would talk in general conversation about things. Jim would make comments as if he was leaning towards renting me the place. I would comment that I had cash and would pay him right then. He would turn to his wife and say, “I don’t know. What do you think”? Vicky would make a face and seem caught off guard by his question. It was very cute. They explained that they are Christians, and want to do the right thing. I said that I truly appreciated their concern, and their situation. I to am a Christian and would understand and accept their decision, but I felt that this was situation was a good one for us both. Their biggest concern was the fact that I was a single, white, female in a neighborhood that is 99.9% low income, black. I came back with I have two dogs. We all went round and round for about 3 hours. Talking about all kinds of general things and then bouncing back to the dilemma, of to rent to me or not to rent to me. I finally broke down and told them that I was a lesbian and that I am kind of on the same level with black folks. I did not feel afraid to live in this area. I explained that if they were not going to rent the house to me I would be forced to drive around in that big truck and try to find a hotel for the night or sleep in the back of the truck until morning. I think they could tell I was becoming impatient and needed a definite answer quickly. Jim asked if they could talk alone for a moment. I said that I would go check on the dogs and wait out side for them. They said they would come out once they decided.

Thank GOD, Jim, and Vicky for their decision to rent the house to me!! I went and moved the truck so it was parked closer to the house. Jim helped me get my car off the tow rig, and I paid him first months rent, security deposit, and the pet deposit in cash. Jim showed me the details of the house, and got the heat cracked up. I brought the dogs in and they went nuts checking out all the rooms. I was surprised that both Shay and Cassy LOVED Jim and Vicky. Dogs are like children, they can sense when people are bad and love them unconditionally if they are good. Cassy felt so much at home she proceeded to take a dump on the carpet in the living room right in front of Jim and Vicky!! They were very cool about the whole thing. They were like “aww, she is just nervous.” Jim and I took them both out in the back yard for a walk to relieve themselves. Jim said that he and his son would come over the next morning and install all the plumbing for the house. I would have running water by Saturday evening!!! Another blessing from God!! As soon as Jim and I brought the dogs in they both ran to the bathroom. Jim, Vicky, and I were all silenced by a loud bang. It was coming from the bathroom. It was Cassy trying to lift the toilet seat with her nose. I busted out laughing as Jim and Vicky looked at me funny. I went in and opened the lid. Cassy and Shay both seemed to dive into the toilet for water. Poor babies were dieing for water.

After Jim and Vicky left, I had to go find bottled water for the dogs and me. I had to have coffee the next morning, the puppies needed water to drink, not to mention being able to wash up before eating and going to bed. I was completely exhausted by this time, but had to go get this done and eat something before falling out altogether.

I got into my car and set out for water and food. I am not sure what, probably God, told me to turn at the next street and again at the next as in almost a u-turn as the street the house is on is a one-way. God held me and controlled my body to just the right place. I had to stop at a stop sign and when I looked to my left, I saw a Family Dollar store. “Praise God!” I exclaimed. I went inside and proceeded to grab things I thought I could use for the night and in the morning. I asked a gentleman that worked there if they had any bottled water. He said they had just sold out that day. I asked if there was another place I could go that was close by. He said very nonsulatly that the Kroger just down the road would have some. I know the look on my face changed. He continued with, “It is right next to the McDonald’s.” I was ecstatically happy!!! I said to the man, “Oh thank you, and praise God.” He smiled a great big smile. I said to him, “Not only did you help me find water, you found me dinner too!!!!!” I do not think he knew just how much his words meant to me until I made that statement. We talked briefly and I went to pay for the few items I had in my hands. I made it to the Kroger, bought tons of water, and headed to McD’s for my dinner. Finally, I can eat, and hit the sack by 10 pm. BIG SIGH OF RELIEF. This had to be the longest day ever. Good night and God bless. (YAWN)